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HESI Admission Assessment

For potential students wanting to enroll in the Practical Nursing program, candidates must pass the HESI exam with an 65%.


LINK to Admission Assessment Exam Review 5th Edition - Click Here

*Recommended Exam Reviewer before the Exam


HESI Exam $120.00


Keep in mind that schools can change the test by excluding some information.

The HESI exam also aims to discover candidates' learning styles, giving schools more information about the student.

The HESI is a 4-hour assessment that ALNS gives to prospective students.

Passing scores for the Practical Nursing program is 65%.


There are 279 questions on the assessment. The test includes six subjects:

  • Reading Comprehension: 55 questions
    • Measures the student’s ability to read about medical and health situations and make conclusions

  • Vocabulary: 55 questions
    • Basic health-care vocabulary

  • Grammar: 55 questions
    • Basic grammar, including: parts of speech, important terms and their uses in grammar and commonly occurring grammatical errors.
  • Math: 55 questions
    • The HESI A2 covers many areas, including addition, subtraction, fractions, ratios, decimals, multiplication, household measures, and dosage calculations

  • Learning Styles: 14 questions

    • Assessment of current learning style​

  • Personality Style: 15 questions​

    • Assessment of personality related to preferred learning style. ​

  • How Many Times Can You Take the HESI Exam?
    Students may take the HESI admission exam once every 60 days. However, there is a limit of 2 times per 12 months. Scores are valid for two years.
  • What is a Passing Score for the HESI Exam?
    Passing scores for the HESI are dependent on your nursing school program. Check with your program to see what passing requirements are. ABUNDANT LIFE NURSING SCHOOL REQUIRES A PASSING SCORE OF 65.
  • Can You Use a Calculator for the HESI Exam?
    You may not bring your own calculator. You are only allowed to use the calculator provided on your computer screen at exam time.
  • How Much Does the HESI Exam Cost?
    HESI exam costs depend on the institution offering the exam. However, they usually range between $40 to $125 or more. Abundant Life Nursing School exam cost is $120.00

How to Prepare for the HESI Exam

Studying for the HESI exam might seem like a monumental process now, but if you plan ahead and understand the details about the test, you can succeed! You will likely need to prepare for a HESI exam before being accepted to a nursing program again as you approach graduation.


Here are a few helpful HESI exam tips:

  1. Know what subjects will be on your exam. Each nursing program can decide which parts of the HESI exam they will give students. It is essential to know what they are so that you can focus on areas of importance.

  2. Know how many questions there will be on the test and how long you have to take it.

  3. Understand that you will not receive a traditional letter grade score, but a score from 100-1000. The higher the score, the better; however, each nursing program may have its own criteria for passing the test.

  4. Talk to administrators in your program for more details.

  5. Use a HESI study guide.

  6. Use HESI flashcards or make your own.

  7. Have a study schedule.

  8. If you are already in your nursing program, use the HESI practice tests as a way to find your weak spots. 

  9. Go to                           &                          for tutorials and practice tests.

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